Lucas’ Second Birthday | 11.27.16

For Lucas’ second birthday, I used one of his favorite books as the theme. The Little Blue Truck. There is a link in the back of the book you can go to, to download the cupcake toppers, hats and bunting. Even though I kept it pretty simple, it was still a little time consuming cutting it all out. But in the end, I really love how it all came together and was really sweet, perfect for our little dude.

We kept the bunting up for a while after the party and Lucas loved saying beep, beep, beep all the time.

He’s closer to 2.5 years now and looks so different from this little face!

The frosting was a hit. I don’t think he ate much of the cake.

Showing Oma and Opa his messy face.

We had so many wonderful friends and family members come to celebrate with us. It was a fun evening followed by a mini pizza party.