Hill Country Lavender Farm | Blanco, Texas | 06.14.2013

We did a little day trip to Blanco last week to check out a lavender farm. James and his dad were off doing their thing so it was just us gals with the kiddos.

We had a nice overcast day that wasn’t too hot. The low clouds and mist hanging over the hills made it feel like Scotland rather than the Hill Country….almost.

The farm was lovely but a lot smaller than I expected. It was still fun to pick a couple bunches and just spend time together. William loved the mud and rocks….of course. He and I were both pretty dirty by the time we left. 

Yes, he eats dirt. 

Comparing shoes.

After the farm we headed into the town square for lunch at Redbud Cafe. It was quite tasty and a good atmosphere for families and kids. The little shop next door, Brieger’s Pottery is a must. Vintage clothes, jewelry, pottery, and fun things from Mexico. Both my sisters picked up some brightly patterned oilcloth for their tables. I found a pair of “garnet” earrings. 

I really do enjoy little day trips like this and checking out new places. And if it’s outdoors, even better. William is happy too!

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