Baby #2 Countdown | 92 Days To Go

My last update was in June at 13 weeks and I am currently 27 weeks. I seem to only be recording this pregnancy on Instagram with bump photos. It’s funny how much less I am doing this time around but I suppose that is to be expected. Poor second child (I speak from experience!). So now, I have to try and remember everything about the last 14 weeks….less sickness for one and that’s a really good thing.

 17 week baby bump hiding under the chocolate cake.

18 weeks in Castroville for the 4th of July weekend. Tacos and donuts. Baby needs them.

I definitely feel like we are in the homestretch here. Nesting is in full on mode. We are rearranging the upstairs – all three rooms actually. Our office/guest room is becoming the new nursery and the office or just the desk really, will move into our room. Not ideal but really the only place for it. William’s room isn’t moving but we will be getting him a new bed soon and doing a bit of rearranging in there as well. I want to make it a little more “big boy” for him – new bedding, artwork and curtains. I am still keeping with the same colors but may be adding more things like construction trucks, school buses and quite possibly dogs. We’ll see how it shakes out. I just don’t want him to feel overlooked with the new baby on the way.

With all the rearranging you better believe I am also purging. One trip to Goodwill has already happened and I am pretty sure we’ll have at least another before the baby arrives. It’s amazing how much stuff can accumulate, especially toys. Our house isn’t tiny or huge but it doesn’t offer a lot in the way of storage other than large closets. I really don’t want to keep them filled with just stuff we don’t ever use so I think I am always purging. It’s also been an interesting challenge to use what we have and see how we can create more storage to keep things we do use on a daily basis more organized.

21 weeks and 2 dinners are the norm.

I also started planning the new nursery in the last couple weeks and I made decisions so much faster this time around. It’s hard to describe the current office paint color….maybe a taupe of sorts? But I knew I didn’t want to repaint so my goal was to work with it and of course use the crib and rocker we already have. So far, I’ve only purchased a dresser (Craigslist for $100) and the material to make things like a blanket, pillows, sheets, etc. I have to say I am really in love with the direction I’ve taken on the theme. It’s boyish but not baby-ish and very warm and cozy. He’ll definitely be able to grow into it. I’ve already finished his crib quilt/blanket, one pillow and a crib sheet. But I’ll be doing a separate post on the room when it’s more complete. The only way I am getting any of these projects finished is because I moved most of my sewing supplies into my room and set up shop on my side table/desk. It’s a little messy but it beats having it all over the dining room table and hauling it up and down the stairs.

Nursery theme sneak peek!

Ok, so back to pregnancy stuff. Haha! Six weeks ago we went in for my ultrasound and found out we’re having another boy! Taking William with us may not have been the best idea but hey, he’s our boy and part of the family. He was a little unsure of what was going on with me on the table and all that jazz. I have to say I was not that surprised with the news and part of me is relieved. A girl would have been great and a lot of fun but I feel a little more comfortable and *experienced* (ha!) with boys. I am also really glad William will have a buddy. Just think, I’ll be able to send them both outside to play together! That’s huge in my book. I am sure there will be a lot of water hose baths in my future. It’s all good.

Snuggles with both my boys.

24 weeks the day after a prenatal appointment that William came along for. He did so well and even sat up on the exam table with me and listened to the baby’s heartbeat. 

25 weeks and I promise this isn’t staged. He was giving baby brother a hug.

Yes, I have a boy already and yes, I have clothes for the new guy. But really, not shop for him at all?! Yeah, that won’t happen. I mean, how cute are these!? I’ll have to stay away from Carter’s for a while though…no control.

26 weeks with a baby eggplant. Or is that a baby the size of an eggplant? I feel so much smaller this time around but again I say that when I should probably go back and compare some of my maternity photos from William. I don’t really remember. Although the guy cutting my fabric at Joann’s made me feel absolutely giant. He was surprised I still had about 3 months to go “sticking out as far as I am”. Gee, thanks. 

This was my post-glucose test (which I passed!) lunch. Not eating from 11:30pm the night before until 12:45pm the day of was rough! I devoured all of this and could have had seconds. That “Fanta” drink at 9am was divine and I had no problem chugging it.

Part of me has been feeling guilty for not feeling as connected with this child even though he doesn’t ever let me forget he’s present. Um, hello, constant kicks. Sometimes I forget I am pregnant and I make myself sit and focus on him for a bit. But I realize I need to let that guilt go (this was a good read!) and just enjoy this journey. He’ll be here soon, changing our lives for the better and we’ll love him just as much as William (another thing I find hard to comprehend). I really am so excited to meet him, see what he looks like, discover his personality and see how William interacts with him.  I know I have mentioned before that the logistics of handling two kids instead of one has me a bit nervous but I was nervous with William too and he was just one! I know it’ll be a learning process again but it will also not be as bad as I think it’ll be. I see other families doing it and surviving (with more than 2!) and that is an encouragement as well.

If you follow me on Instagram, a lot of these photos are my iPhone pics from there. Maybe I’ll get James to do a mini-maternity session for me in October.

I’ll post all things baby again when I have more of the nursery to share and maybe some more bump photos. I am sure there was more I wanted to share in this post but I can’t think of anymore at the moment. Thanks for sticking around this long!

181 Days Remaining Until Baby #2

I thought it was high time for a post about baby #2 “progress”. I am actually 14 weeks now and goodness, it’s been a long 14 weeks. I really don’t remember the nausea and exhaustion lasting this long with William. I actually don’t remember much about his 1st trimester really….I just feel like it was easier. Maybe because this time around I have a 2 year old.

Saying 181 days makes it seem so much further away than saying 26 weeks or even 6 months…holy cow, 6 months! We knew we wanted to try for another baby this year and I was really surprised it happened as quickly as it did. I started suspecting I was pregnant a couple weeks before I finally took a test. I kept putting it off. Maybe I was in a little bit of denial. Anyway, finally took a test and then two days later took another one, just to be sure. I think I was 5 weeks when I took the first one.

It was amazing how quickly the nausea set in after taking the test. It was like my brain realized what was going on and decided to start the torture. Nine weeks later I am still dealing with it off and on. Praying it subsides soon. Let’s just say I’ve had a lot of couch time during the day and William a lot of PBS Kids.

We went to our first prenatal appointment on May 14th and heard the heartbeat. That always helps make it feel more real. We are going with the Birth Center again since we had such a good experience there during my pregnancy and delivery with William. It was great to see a lot of familiar faces and I really can’t say enough about how great it is to work with the midwives and just how amazing a natural birth can be (I’d still love to share William’s birth story one day!). Funny to think I was actually pregnant (and didn’t know it) when I attended my niece’s birth there.

Our second prenatal is next week and I am really excited about it. I love hearing the heartbeat. I also seem to have more of a bump than I did in my 13 week photo. It happened overnight which is totally fine by me. I’ve been wearing loose tops because I feel like it’s been more of a muffin top or like I just ate one too many hamburgers rather than toting around a peach sized baby. I was so happy when a gal at a shop on Sunday could actually tell I was pregnant! I am not quite big enough yet for full on maternity clothes but still a bit too big for a lot of my normal clothes.

You can check out my Facebook page for how we announced baby #2. I may put a few other of my favorites on the VP blog. We didn’t really say anything to William until after we made it public because we just weren’t sure what he’d understand. It’s been so sweet though to hear him talk about the baby. Mommy has a baby. William doesn’t have a baby. Or the baby is huuuuuungry! Fingers crossed he is still excited come December.
My sister asked me if I was nervous about giving birth to another baby (seeing as how she just went through it) and I was like heck no. I am more nervous about the days and weeks after and having TWO kids instead of just one. It’ll be a whole new world of logistics. I am definitely going to try to make the most of the summer and fall before baby #2 arrives. Another reason I am hoping the first trimester “ailments” don’t last much longer. 
I probably won’t do another baby post until the end of July when we find out the gender. Yay!! Then let the nursery decorating begin! Sorry James…… 🙂