Castroville | 3.30.2019

The second day in Castroville was pretty much just spent exploring and being with the cousins. I love the freedom they have when they are here to be truly wild and free.

I couldn’t stop capturing the spring beauty that was just exploding while we were there. I took so many photos but these are a few favorites.






Lucas and Sofia loved visiting the horses. These two don’t always get along so well but it was great to see them buddying up and hanging out more.

And of couse this cutie and her mama in the garden.

Summer Evening | 05.22.2013

My sad garden needed some love today so both this morning and this evening were spent pulling out dead flowers and weeds and turning over the dirt. This morning was really lovely and cool. We both enjoyed being outside and getting a bit dirty. After William’s nap we went off to the garden center to buy new flowers for the pots and some spots in the garden. I also spent a whole $1.99 on a sprinkler for William to play with. A very good investment.

After dinner, James joined us outside while I did some digging and William got wet. Once William investigated the sprinkler long enough he helped me with some planting. He helped me this morning too but didn’t get anywhere near this dirty.

We had to hose William down before we could take him inside for his bath. Even then there was still dirt floating in the tub. I’ll take it as a sign he really enjoyed himself.

William | 14 Months | 05.08.2013

Well, we have a walker on our hands now! Exciting times. We spend most of our evenings after dinner watching him walk around the living room, back and forth and in circles. We usually have music on too so there is some dancing thrown in as well. It’s easy to see by his smile and the giggles that he really likes walking. I feel like it’s his practice stage right now. He’s still getting used to it. Pretty soon he’ll be running and I’ll be trying to keep up.

He’s also figured out how to climb. So far it’s only onto the ottoman. We push it up against the couch and he loves to be up there. In the mornings I’ll drink my coffee and we’ll sit together on the couch. He’s usually rolling around or going from one end to the other but sometimes he’ll cuddle too. I take what I can get.

He’s been going through some teething for the past month as well. A lower canine and upper molar. Both do not look pleasant. He still sleeps great at night but his napping has become very inconsistent. Some days I’ll get two but most it’s just one.

Being outside is still his favorite place. I can’t wait to get back to the pool with him. He loves water so I am hoping he isn’t as freaked out by the pool, like last year. 
New words are being added to his vocabulary all the time….apple is the newest. I can tell he understands more of what I say to him but he is still very stubborn and wants to do things his way. No is a big word in my vocabulary these days. 

I can’t wait for his 15 month well visit next month to see his new ‘stats’. I also want to find out if we can safely turn his car seat to forward facing. His legs are TOOO long!

Sunny Day | 5.3.2013

Just enjoying the beautiful weather and Grandma’s pretty backyard.

William has quite the crush on his Aunt Adriana. He loves to sit with her. It’s one of the few times I see him still for longer than 30 seconds.

Run, Maria, run!

I am the one person in my family who is not a dog person so this photo is silly. I like dogs, don’t get me wrong. I just don’t have to have one.

He also loves his Grandma. She makes him do his silly laugh.

Adriana knows how to properly enjoy a nice lawn and sunshine. Oh, and this is what we were all doing while my brother, James, Romina and Jessica were working hard painting mom’s house.

“So, Uncle Matt, can I get a truck when I grow up?”

Maria, the dog trainer extraordinaire. No dogs were harmed in the taking of these photos.

A Week in Photos

It didn’t seem like a busy week to me but it did go quickly. I didn’t have enough dedicated time for blogging but I do have a lot to share that will be posted soon.

We were very happy to have James home last Sunday night after his weekend at a conference in Florida. I honestly don’t remember a lot about the rest of the week (I am pretty sleepy as I type this)…I did some sewing and baking. I had my Spring Mini Sessions yesterday and spent a good part of the week location scouting and visualizing those shoots. They went really well! I can’t wait to share some peeks soon. Today I finally got to see my brother and his wife, they rolled into town Friday. They also met William for the first time. We took the opportunity to do a big family photo today and lots of other photos which I am really excited about. It was a good week an even better weekend.

I hope you all had a lovely, Spring weekend!

No Ruffles and Tutus

William and I did some retail therapy today. It was also his first visit to the mall. He was a great shopping buddy.

Sometimes I lament the fact that I don’t get to buy ruffled skirts, floral leggings or hair bows. But then I remember neck ties, bow ties, button down shirts, vests and smart fedoras…my boy is pretty darn handsome.

We used a birthday gift card to get him some shorts and tops…it’s weird to not put him in the onesies as much anymore. Not having a bunch of snaps is a good thing though…he’s such a wiggle worm.

I guess I’ll just have to shop for my niece when I get the urge to buy a dress.

William did such a good job during our shopping adventure I had to make sure he had some outside and dirt time.

Sunny Days

A few weeks back I tackled our back yard. It was a sorry sight. Weeds, ugly garden, overgrown vines. I wanted a pretty and pleasant place to hang out with William during the summer.

I cleaned up the main flower bed and pulled out a lot of rotting wood borders. Just that alone improved things. After relocating some lantanas I planted some coreopsis, oxalis, stock, dusty miller, Shasta daisy, basil, rosemary and lavender. It’s so pretty and I just love to look at it. I can’t wait for the plants to fill in and bloom.

William and I are back here almost everyday. He loves the rocks, dirt and grass. I enjoy the sunshine, breeze and scent of stock as I watch him play.