Summer Evening | 05.22.2013

My sad garden needed some love today so both this morning and this evening were spent pulling out dead flowers and weeds and turning over the dirt. This morning was really lovely and cool. We both enjoyed being outside and getting a bit dirty. After William’s nap we went off to the garden center to buy new flowers for the pots and some spots in the garden. I also spent a whole $1.99 on a sprinkler for William to play with. A very good investment.

After dinner, James joined us outside while I did some digging and William got wet. Once William investigated the sprinkler long enough he helped me with some planting. He helped me this morning too but didn’t get anywhere near this dirty.

We had to hose William down before we could take him inside for his bath. Even then there was still dirt floating in the tub. I’ll take it as a sign he really enjoyed himself.

William | 14 Months | 05.08.2013

Well, we have a walker on our hands now! Exciting times. We spend most of our evenings after dinner watching him walk around the living room, back and forth and in circles. We usually have music on too so there is some dancing thrown in as well. It’s easy to see by his smile and the giggles that he really likes walking. I feel like it’s his practice stage right now. He’s still getting used to it. Pretty soon he’ll be running and I’ll be trying to keep up.

He’s also figured out how to climb. So far it’s only onto the ottoman. We push it up against the couch and he loves to be up there. In the mornings I’ll drink my coffee and we’ll sit together on the couch. He’s usually rolling around or going from one end to the other but sometimes he’ll cuddle too. I take what I can get.

He’s been going through some teething for the past month as well. A lower canine and upper molar. Both do not look pleasant. He still sleeps great at night but his napping has become very inconsistent. Some days I’ll get two but most it’s just one.

Being outside is still his favorite place. I can’t wait to get back to the pool with him. He loves water so I am hoping he isn’t as freaked out by the pool, like last year. 
New words are being added to his vocabulary all the time….apple is the newest. I can tell he understands more of what I say to him but he is still very stubborn and wants to do things his way. No is a big word in my vocabulary these days. 

I can’t wait for his 15 month well visit next month to see his new ‘stats’. I also want to find out if we can safely turn his car seat to forward facing. His legs are TOOO long!

Mini Session | Hempel Family

I love when past wedding clients come back to me for family photos. I met with Karen and Chris at Pease Park for their session with Brodie. He was looking quite dapper in his lime green bow tie.

Later that evening we met up again for another session with their extended family.

And that wraps up my Spring Mini Sessions! Thanks again to my wonderful clients. It’s always a pleasure!

A Week in Photos

It didn’t seem like a busy week to me but it did go quickly. I didn’t have enough dedicated time for blogging but I do have a lot to share that will be posted soon.

We were very happy to have James home last Sunday night after his weekend at a conference in Florida. I honestly don’t remember a lot about the rest of the week (I am pretty sleepy as I type this)…I did some sewing and baking. I had my Spring Mini Sessions yesterday and spent a good part of the week location scouting and visualizing those shoots. They went really well! I can’t wait to share some peeks soon. Today I finally got to see my brother and his wife, they rolled into town Friday. They also met William for the first time. We took the opportunity to do a big family photo today and lots of other photos which I am really excited about. It was a good week an even better weekend.

I hope you all had a lovely, Spring weekend!

William | 13 Months

What’s new now…

He took 3 steps on Sunday and 1 step yesterday! A first for him. He does great standing on his own so I think he is pretty close to going all the way.

Monkey see, monkey do…this goes for speaking too. He has become a little copycat and will mimic sounds and tries with some words. First word was ‘ball’ but he also tries to say ‘hello’. Mama and Dada are in there too but I don’t think he associates those words with us quite yet. I think he says ‘more’ and ‘bah’ means a lot of things but especially ‘up’. He will also say ‘bye’ when daddy leaves in the morning or if I tell him we are going bye-bye. And as of Sunday, daddy taught him hi-yah, hand chopping motion included. What’s really funny is he ‘chops’ himself. Oh and I can’t forget the barking…woof woof is universal for dogs, birds, cars and any other sound he hears outside.

He is still our snuggle boy and loves to hug on anything soft like a stuffed animal. His stuffed puppies and monkeys are current favorites. He has also hugged his milk cup so I guess it’s not all squishy things. Hugging is accompanied by a ‘mmmming’ sound that melts my heart.

Wrestling with daddy before and after dinner is a new thing. He has to get on the couch and do tumbles and anything crazy daddy will do. I try to vacate the area. He still doesn’t understand edges and that he can fall off so there is no fear with him.

We are down to one nursing at night (yay!) and he eats 3 good size meals a day and as many snacks as I will let him have. Mum mums and puffs are still high on his list but I usually save those for car and grocery store trips. He switched from goats milk to cow milk with no problem and barely used a sippy cup. We pretty much went right to straws back in December. He is also pretty good with a fork and we try to practice a lot.

We have outside play time almost everyday. He loves it and will try to escape whenever we open the back door. He gets pretty upset if his attempt fails. When we are outside he usually works on relocating the dirt from my gardens, eating dirt, exploring what he can and pulling leaves off plants before I can stop him. Every trip outside usually requires a mini bath in the sink.

We’ve also made teeth brushing a part of his bedtime routine and he loves it. He starts laughing at himself and I am not sure why. It just cracks me up.

Making dinner has become difficult because he wants to see what I am doing. Sometimes I let him stand next to me on a chair and watch which usually means grab whatever I see. I can’t do that all the time though because he doesn’t understand knives yet. Oh and another word he knows…hot. He puts his hand out towards the stove and says ‘hot’, especially when he sees steam. He also does this towards the vacuum. I’ve let him play at the kitchen sink with water and random kitchen stuff. He loves that and gets quite upset when that game is over. I may have to transition that game to the back porch with a bucket or something. He has also become James’ coffee apprentice in the mornings. James will hold him while he grinds coffee and makes it in the Chemex. If William hears the grinder from his crib in the morning, he is instantly ready to get up and hurry downstairs. Now I just need William to get better at it so he can take over when James is out of town. Need my coffee!

Have I forgotten anything? He seems to be doing something new all the time and changing. You can almost watch his brain learn something new. Speaking of learning, Baby Einstein videos are a huge hit with him. There is a 30 minute one that he pretty much watches start to finish. I will hear him trying to repeat the numbers or call the apples ball. It’s so cute…he will hang onto the credenza and stare at the tv for most of it, usually with a bit of dancing too. I try to limit these to once or twice a week and only when I am really desperate to get dinner made.

I could go on and on, especially about the silly faces he makes or the way he crawls in slow motion sometimes or tries to blow ceiling fans and any plants or flowers he sees…he is too much. Even on the rough days I still want to wake him up and hug him. I look at photos and videos of him instead. What an amazing and special little boy we have!

All photos were taken a few days after his 1st birthday.

Celebrating 50 Years of Love and a Life Together | Bob & Virginia | 03.17.2013

We recently celebrated two people and their 50th wedding anniversary. My Aunt Virginia and Uncle Bob are two of the most amazing, faithful, humble and loving people I know. It was such a blessing to be a part of their day and be able to bless them. It was a day of family, friends, good food, reminiscing, having fun and worshiping together – all things I know they love. 

When I went inside to get these shots, I overheard each couple telling their story of how they met their spouse. It was so sweet.


The sign in this photo has hung in their home for as long as I can remember and is honestly how they live their life. Their lives are true examples of Christ’s love. Here they are along with their daughter, son-in-law and 10 grandchildren.

My brother-in-law, Nathan and cousin, Patrick leading worship.

Toasting the couple and cutting the cake.

Aunt Virginia and Uncle Bob, thank you for allowing us to bless you both with this celebration of your love for each other. We love you!

William’s First Birthday | 03.08.2013

William’s party was a blast. He was completely worn out by 4pm and I am so surprised he lasted that long (especially without any naps!). With help from my mom and sisters, I pulled off his Dapper Little Man theme.

The party was actually the day after his birthday, so on his birthday, we FaceTimed with Oma and Opa and opened their presents. They got him this really cool bike that he can either ride or walk and push. He loves to go fast on it!

I did as much decorating that night as I could because I knew the next day would move quickly. I decided to try and keep things simple – just a few decorations and only sweets and fruit for snacks. The only decoration I made was the bunting. Using scrapbook paper from Archiver’s, I cut out neck ties and bow ties and then attached them to baker’s twine. I guess I also made the balloon bunting which was an idea I saw on YHL. It’s a great way to decorate with balloons. I also hung up tissue balls from ShopSweetLulu and two “collages” of photos of William.

One of the collages I did was 48 Printstagram prints of William in the shape of a one. I saw the idea for that on a friend’s Instagram feed. She did it for her one year old. The other collage was 13 photos of William, one on his day of birth and one from each month up to 12. They were 5×5 prints from my lab with a white border.

Some pre-party preparations….William is helping James get the drinks cold. Aunt Jessica is working her magic with the icing for the cupcakes. I made Blueberry Cupcakes with Blueberry Cream Cheese icing and a gluten-free, dairy-free yellow cupcake with a chocolate frosting. Both were really good! And I would not have had them decorated in time if not for Jessica. I don’t have patience for that stuff anyway. William was also on balloon testing detail. He LOVED the balloons. We still have a few left that he tosses around. I am pretty sure his first official word is ball.

I used a free printable from On To Baby for the cupcake labels and pieces of 12×12 scrapbook paper as a “placemat” for the cupcakes.
For William’s smash cake I made a mostly healthy cake. It was mostly applesauce and banana and pretty dense so I kind of wish I had just made him a real cake…the icing was buttercream and not healthy at all. I think he liked it and the blueberries the most. That would probably be the only “do-over” for me…a little bit of chocolate would have been just fine I am sure. At least it looked really cute!

We also had yellow cake pops with white coating and yellow sprinkles. I rolled them but my sister finished them (she is an expert truffle roller) otherwise they never would have made it to the table. They were a big hit with the kids (and adults). The gray chevron straws I also bought from ShopSweetLulu…it was a pack of 20 so we cut them in half.

These are the gluten-free, dairy-free cupcakes. I used a box mix and the frosting is mostly coconut oil, dark chocolate and vanilla. The consistency is different but there was only one of these left at the end of the night, so that must mean they were tasty.

I picked up this W at Michael’s and wasn’t sure how I was actually going to use it for the party but in the end it made a great centerpiece.

I really, really wanted a pinata for his party for the kids but decided to wait on those until he is actually old enough to enjoy it as well. My back up plan was miniature pinatas for party favors but I couldn’t find the right supplies so I went with something easier.

We had a wonderful turnout of friends and family – so many kids! I am afraid it was a bit of a crush though because the rainy weather kept us from using the patio and backyard. It was still fun though and I really enjoyed seeing so many people.

Maria and William show off their birthday outfits. Our next door neighbor has a little boy too who is 3 months younger than William. I love this photo of them…it looks like William is protecting his puffs.

Then it was time for cake. Can you tell he is sleepy?

He was pretty straight faced for a while, just politely eating his blueberries and watching everyone watch him. I love the top right photo….”You want me to make a mess? Do I have to?” He is so into wiping his mouth now with any towel or napkin he finds. Such a neat mister. The bottom right he hit sleepy/silly.

And finally some messy face action. That’s about as messy as it gets people. 
Allan and his wife, Lori were one of our first wedding clients back in the day and I am happy to say we’ve remained friends. Their little gal, Sarah just turned one as well. 

Heather is a fellow birth center mom and Miss Carrie turns one this week!

So many presents! And tissue paper!


Wearing his awesome fedora from his friend Zoe. He actually really likes it…I promise. He was ready for a nap at this point.

And what party is complete without an after-party? I know these two loved having all the balloons to themselves.William was in a much better mood after his nap and dinner.
Daddy put his bike together so of course he needed a test drive. 

 Bedtime snuggles and books with Aunt Jessica and Uncle Nathan. What a great way to end a fun day.

Happy Birthday to my dapper little one year old! It still seems like yesterday we brought you home and had no idea what to do with you. So we just held you and stared. I still stare sometimes and am amazed I have such a precious life entrusted to our care. What a fun, challenging, long, short, exhausting, educational and tremendous year it has been. William, I can’t wait to get to know you better as you grow and learn each day. I love you! ~ Mom