Memorial Day Weekend and Mini Peach Cobblers

We had a great three day weekend. It really was what we needed. Time together, no plans and a lot of relaxing. Saturday, William and I escaped the house for a little bit of shopping so James could have some quiet time. On Sunday, it was my turn. William and James did some tool shopping while I chilled for a bit then they picked me up for dinner at the park. Monday we went to one of James’ coworker’s home for a BBQ and some time in the pool.

William did really well hanging out on the step and then in his float.

The dessert I took to the BBQ is the one pictured here alongside the apple pie and cookies….Mini Peach Cobblers. Oh my word. So good and so easy to make and transport and eat! They were a big hit with the other party goers. I didn’t make any of the mini sized one as mentioned in the recipe, just regular muffin tin size. They were were perfect. Loosening them as they cool is recommended. I didn’t have time to let them cool completely but they still came out ok. I served them upside down because the peaches looked so pretty. I could have eaten a dozen. 

After his pool time, it was time for some Goldfish and Toasted O’s and a little poolside lounging. He also borrowed the baby doll from another little girl at the pool and held onto her until we left. The only time he let it go was when I offered him a bit of Snickerdoodle cookie.

Cookie crumbs…

I hope you all had great weekends as well. Hopefully surrounded by family, friends and good times.

William | 14 Months | 05.08.2013

Well, we have a walker on our hands now! Exciting times. We spend most of our evenings after dinner watching him walk around the living room, back and forth and in circles. We usually have music on too so there is some dancing thrown in as well. It’s easy to see by his smile and the giggles that he really likes walking. I feel like it’s his practice stage right now. He’s still getting used to it. Pretty soon he’ll be running and I’ll be trying to keep up.

He’s also figured out how to climb. So far it’s only onto the ottoman. We push it up against the couch and he loves to be up there. In the mornings I’ll drink my coffee and we’ll sit together on the couch. He’s usually rolling around or going from one end to the other but sometimes he’ll cuddle too. I take what I can get.

He’s been going through some teething for the past month as well. A lower canine and upper molar. Both do not look pleasant. He still sleeps great at night but his napping has become very inconsistent. Some days I’ll get two but most it’s just one.

Being outside is still his favorite place. I can’t wait to get back to the pool with him. He loves water so I am hoping he isn’t as freaked out by the pool, like last year. 
New words are being added to his vocabulary all the time….apple is the newest. I can tell he understands more of what I say to him but he is still very stubborn and wants to do things his way. No is a big word in my vocabulary these days. 

I can’t wait for his 15 month well visit next month to see his new ‘stats’. I also want to find out if we can safely turn his car seat to forward facing. His legs are TOOO long!

Mother’s Day | 05.12.2013

William and I had some serious mother/son time on Mother’s Day. James was playing 4 services at Austin Stone so that meant we only got to see him at lunch time. We missed him but had plenty of fun together.

After a nice morning together – he even napped for me! – we headed off to the Salt Lick for lunch with a bunch of friends. BBQ on Mother’s Day? Yes, please!! William made a new friend and ate beans and bread. I think he liked it.

I wish William would fall asleep anywhere…

Little wiggle worm…

Some bloopers before James got a good one. 
 I took the longer way home so he could get a decent nap. The drive on 967 and 1626 back to I35 was gorgeous! I love wildflowers and would just stop and stare at a field of them for hours if I could. And also take too many photos. I don’t know what it is, it’s a scene I’ll never grow tired of. Had William not been passed out in the backseat, we would have made a few stops.  
He slept a bit longer once we got home then it was time for some post-nap snuggles and Toasted O’s. 
After dinner, I felt a froyo date with my guy was in order. I think he agreed. 

To finish off our lovely day together, some exploring, walking practice, people watching, puppy dog barking, bird spying and stair climbing.

I am one blessed mama!