William | 14 Months | 05.08.2013

Well, we have a walker on our hands now! Exciting times. We spend most of our evenings after dinner watching him walk around the living room, back and forth and in circles. We usually have music on too so there is some dancing thrown in as well. It’s easy to see by his smile and the giggles that he really likes walking. I feel like it’s his practice stage right now. He’s still getting used to it. Pretty soon he’ll be running and I’ll be trying to keep up.

He’s also figured out how to climb. So far it’s only onto the ottoman. We push it up against the couch and he loves to be up there. In the mornings I’ll drink my coffee and we’ll sit together on the couch. He’s usually rolling around or going from one end to the other but sometimes he’ll cuddle too. I take what I can get.

He’s been going through some teething for the past month as well. A lower canine and upper molar. Both do not look pleasant. He still sleeps great at night but his napping has become very inconsistent. Some days I’ll get two but most it’s just one.

Being outside is still his favorite place. I can’t wait to get back to the pool with him. He loves water so I am hoping he isn’t as freaked out by the pool, like last year. 
New words are being added to his vocabulary all the time….apple is the newest. I can tell he understands more of what I say to him but he is still very stubborn and wants to do things his way. No is a big word in my vocabulary these days. 

I can’t wait for his 15 month well visit next month to see his new ‘stats’. I also want to find out if we can safely turn his car seat to forward facing. His legs are TOOO long!

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