
This year for William’s birthday we rented out MyGym for the party and it was fabulous. Easy set up and clean up and the kids had a blast! We were also staying at my mom’s house for the week because our house was staged for selling and it was easier to just move out.

We got William his first watch and it was a hit! He loves to wear it almost everyday.

I went super easy on his cake and had fun with the sprinkles.

This is the third year in a row we’ve had rainy weather for his birthday so we always end up indoors. I may just do MyGym every year!

After MyGym we had a family pizza party and opened more gifts.

Hard to believe this kiddo is 3! He understood more about birthdays this year and was really excited about everything.

From Crib to Toddler Bed

Transitioning William’s crib into a toddler bed was not something I was looking forward to. It wasn’t the oh my goodness, he’s growing up, feeling. It was more of a dear Lord, please let us all get some sleep still, feeling. I’ve heard/read too many stories of moms and dads sitting outside bedroom doors for hours or walking toddlers back to their beds a million time a night. I also had a strange fear he’d get up and wander around the house while we slept. Weird, yes.

With Hafner Baby #2 on the way I knew it was bound to happen but I was thinking we’d push it off to the end of the summer at least. James, on the other hand, likes to pull band-aids off fast. In other words, why wait? So, I agreed, as long as it was a weekend. I didn’t want James to loose sleep and have to work still.

Saturday, April 26, after breakfast, James and William turned the crib into a toddler bed. Our first attempt would be nap time. 

I spent the week before preparing William for the change. We’d talk about it. I found an Elmo book about sleeping in a big boy bed and I bought him a Thomas the train clock for his dresser. It’s a regular clock during the day but at night, it lights up some stars and the moon. So it’s like you set an alarm but instead of a noise, the moon and stars disappear. William loves the moon so I was hoping this type of clock would be better than one that changed colors, like from red to green. So we told him, when the moon goes to sleep he can get out of bed. For nap time, we tell him that mommy or daddy will come and get him when he is awake. 

His nap that day was very short. It had me holding my breath for bed time that night. Bed time came, he and James did their normal routine, turned on the clock and…..nothing. He went to bed. He stayed in bed. He stayed in bed and waited for us to get him the next morning. It was amazing. He loves his bed and loves going to bed at night. He’s usually so tired anyway. James says most of the time he’s half asleep by the time his head hits the pillow.

All I can say, almost 4 weeks later, is praise the Lord. We’ve had a couple rough nap times but I think those were due more to a schedule change than anything. But his night times are great. His clock turns off around 7:30/45 and he’s usually just in there talking or playing with toys in his bed until we get him up. I was a little worried the bed rail wasn’t big enough and so far he has only claimed to have fallen (roll, roll, bump – his words) out of bed once.

The next step will be transitioning him out of this crib/toddler bed completely so we can move it to the nursery. At this point, I am in no hurry to rush that step. I think he really likes his little space. We have so much fun reading books together before nap. He cuddles with his blanket and puppy and I sit on the floor next to him. Oh my….he is growing up too fast.

MusikGarten | William’s First Music Class

This week was William’s final MusikGarten class with Mrs. Silvia and his friends. I was a little sad to see it come to an end but it was a fun 17 weeks.

My sister, Jessica actually told me about the music class for toddlers since it was offered by Clavier-Werke where she teaches piano. I had been looking for some kind of class I could do with him and this one fit the bill – both in price and location. Mrs. Silvia is a wonderful teacher too! Oh my goodness, she has so much patience, working with our crazy toddlers.

There were four little ones in the class: William, Evie, Mateo and Conor. This was our last class and the kiddos with their certificates. How cute are they!?

It’s definitely a very active class for both the kiddos and parents. I know I got my workout! There were a few times where I could tell William wasn’t interested in being there and then other times he was totally focused and playing along. The last two classes, strangely enough, he was the most active and outgoing he’s ever been. Even if he wasn’t as engaged during class, I could always tell he was paying attention. We’d get home and he’d sing the songs again or dance or do something exactly as it had been done in class. It’s just amazing to me how much he retains. He’s my little musician at home and I love his “jam” sessions with his little keyboard and drums aka empty oatmeal containers.

As long as he seems interested in music I want to continue some kind of class with/for him. Mrs. Silvia is offering the MusikGarten class again this fall so I’ll probably sign us up. If you have a baby or toddler and want more info, check the Clavier-Werke site or let me know and I can pass it along!

Turkey Meatballs and Gnocchi

I am not sure why I create menus. They seem to be more like general ideas or guidelines than anything else. This recipe for example is a merger of two separate items I had on the menu. We were going to have pesto gnocchi one night and turkey meatballs over polenta another. What happened really is that, I didn’t have as much pesto as I thought I did and the polenta didn’t make it home with us.

Now, I am not sure if meatballs and gnocchi is an acceptable combination or not (maybe if my SIL sees this, she can confirm or deny) but it was pretty good! Too bad William wouldn’t eat any of it….you can see the toddler version of this meal below. Cute, no? I would have eaten it.